Phone firm helps pay PA wages
In order to pay public service salaries this month, Palestinan Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was forced to seek help from a mobile phone company eager to speed its entry into the Palestinian market, according to Reuters Alertnet.
The company has had the help of Middle East envoy Tony Blair. The former British primister and others agreed to assign radio frequencies that enabled Wataniya Palestine Mobile Telecommunications Co. to begin operations. In return, the company pumped $78 milllion into the Palestinian Authority’s coffers.
Nicolas Pelham of the International Crisis Group warns that international backers of Fayyad’s reform program seem reluctant to back him financially. Former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Azmi al-Shuaibi calls for greater transparency in dealing with such issues.
Read: Reuters Alertnet, “EXCLUSIVE-Palestinian PM gets phone firm help to pay wages,” 8 August 2008.
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